Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Custard Fruit Salad


4 Cups of Milk
1 Cup Sugar
3 large strawberries
bunch of Grapes
1 Banana
1/2 Apple
Handful of Cherries
2 tbsp Custard Powder ( I Used Vanilla flavor)


Heat Milk in a clean vessel in a medium Flame
Add Sugar when Milk becomes hot with continuous Stirring.
Mix 2 tbsp of Custard in 1/4 cup Milk separately and keep it aside(preferably at room temperature).
Now add this to the hot milk on the flame with continuous stirring .
Stir Continuously on medium flame till the milk turns to desired consistency (little thick like fluid).
Transfer the contents to a bowl and allow it to cool till room temperature.
Now add the diced fruits into the bowl and refrigerate.
Serve cool. Thats it delicious custard is ready.


Do not use fruits which leave water eg: watermelon

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